MorE : Trees

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“Right now we are facing a man-made disaster of global scale, our greatest threat in thousands of years: climate change. If we don't take action, the collapse of our civilisation and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon.”

-Sir David Attenborough

Forests cover over 31% of the Earth’s land and are home to 80% of Earth’s land animals. Over the past 50 years within the Amazon alone, 17% of the rainforest has been lost to deforestation; Agriculture is one of the main reasons for this; it enables farmers to plant such crops as soy and palm and also allows for more land for their cattle to graze.

In 2019 the rate in which forests were being cleared in the Amazon was the equivalent of 30 football fields a minute with half of the world’s timber then going on to be consumed by Europe, the USA, and Japan alone. Not only does deforestation cause soil erosion and flooding but by cutting trees down at such a colossal and frightening rate means that that our planet’s CO2 levels increase. And keep increasing. So far 3 trillion trees worldwide have been cut down with half of the world’s rainforests already cleared; Within 100 years, rainforests could be completely wiped out.

So what can we do to help our planet?

I’ve spent a great deal of time researching ways that Blended By Mama can work in harmony with nature whilst also finding a way to give back to Mother Earth. It’s encouraging to know just how many charities and organisations there are out there working to tackle issues such as deforestation and global warming. It wasn’t until late on a winter’s evening in January did I discover a truly fantastic online organisation…

More : Trees, based here in the UK work with tree planting partners across the globe to not only plant trees but to also give you the choice of what tree to plant and a location of where to plant it, all for as little as £1.00. You’ll then receive an email with lots of information; from just how many tonnes of CO2 you’ve offset to what projects around the world you’ve supported. It’s been devastating to discover during my research that many tree planting organisations out there often just pay people to not cut down trees, which of course is false advertising (and a little heartbreaking when you recall the stats above). More : Trees are working towards actually planting 1 billion trees and in the process supporting workers by giving them a fair wage, a skill for life and a solid income for their families.

It is More : Trees’s ethical transparency that has won them a green light from Blended By Mama and now means that with every order over £15.00** through the website, one tree through this wonderful organisation will be planted. You will receive an email confirming exactly this shortly after your order has been placed and if you’d like to keep up to date with how many trees are being planted through Blended By Mama click here.

It may feel like our efforts with turning back the clock on this crisis will be lost, that this is simply too big for people like us to make any sort of difference, but remember; Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.

For more information on More : Trees just click their logo below!

**- Not applicable to any orders of or including the candle “A Light In Dark Places”. This is because 10% of the cost of the candle goes to the charity Good Life Dog Rescue.